1. Go to your local dentist
Your dentist can have your teeth super-whitened in less than anhour and with proper care you'll maintain your perfect white teeth for at least 1 year but the ONLY bad thing about this is… Having this done by a dentist is expensive.
2. Use an at-home teeth whitening gel kit
Whitening kits basically help you get the same super-white teeth results you can get in a dentist office except…
- You have to use the gel kits for longer periods of time and… Placing the kits on your mouth for hours at a time may be too uncomfortable for you but overall…
- Teeth whitening Gel kits are a real good option if you can't afford a dental procedure.
3. You can use Crest Whitestrips
- Crest white strips are a good choice for you if a Dental procedure and/or using a tooth whitening gel kit is too expensive but…
- Using Crest white strips may take you up to 14 days to get the super white teeth you want simply because the solution used in them is not as strong as the solution used in dental offices and in gel-whitening kits and…
- You're teeth will only get a few shades lighter with tooth whitening pens because unlike going to a dentist, using a gel kit or crest white strips…
- The solution used in tooth whitening pens does not stay in contact with your teeth long enough before it breaksdown to have any real major tooth whitening effects but…
- Tooth whitening pens should be used to help maintain your super white teeth after you've whitened them by brushing your teeth, seeing a dentist, using gel kits and/or crest white strips &…
To make your teeth stay white & never get yellow again…
- Don't drink anything that can stain the teeth like dark sodas, cola, red wine, coffee, teas, cranberry juices and just remember that anything that can stain a white T-shirt will also stain your teeth and…
- Avoid any acidic foods or drinks like sodas, sugar filled snacks & candies, flavored waters and sports drinks that'll easily make your teeth yellower by eroding away the white enamel on your teeth and if you must have these acidic foods and/or teeth staining drinks…
- Use a straw to avoid too much contact with your teeth and…
- After you've ate/drank these acidic foods - wait for at least 30 minutes and then brush your teeth to prevent staining and damage to the white enamel on your teeth plus…
- You can eat high protein foods like Cheese, chicken or other meats, nuts or milk with these bad teeth staining foods to neutralize the acids that'll make your teeth yellow and…
- Add more calcium (dairy products) to your diet to help keep your teeth white and…
- Drink more water and eat more raw veggies like broccoli, celery, cucumbers, jicama, raw sweet potatoes and carrots to naturally scrub and clean your teeth whiter and…
- Make sure you Floss at least ONCE a day to keep your teeth white and…
- Chew sugar-free gum with xylitol to also help keep your teeth white and…
- Don't smoke or chew tobacco unless you want to quickly and easily make your teeth uglier plus…
- Don't BRUSH your teeth too hard so you can keep the white enamel on your teeth and…
- Rubbing the acid from Lemons, oranges, strawberries may work wonders at first for whiter teeth but in the long run… The acid will only eat away your white enamel making your teeth look worse plus…
- The seeds of strawberries may actually hurt your gums & teeth and…
- The potassium in the wood ash can be damaging to the enamel of your teeth & If you tried everything & you still can't get white teeth then…
- If your teeth are badly stained or yellowed because you've been taking some type of medication like tetracycline… Then Only a dentist will be able to restore your teeth's natural white color or…
- If you're under 16 - You should not use these teeth whitening methods because your teeth are still developing and Teeth whitening can possibly damage your teeth so if you're under 16 the best thing you can do for whiter teeth is to Go here to see how to get white teeth at home or…
- If you're allergic to hydrogen peroxide - Then you can't do any of the teeth whitening methods here and you'll have to see your dentist for alternatives like venners, caps or crowns for white teeth or…
- If you have braces or a retainer - you can't use Baking soda to make your teeth white because the baking soda will dissolve the orthodontic glue or…
- If you are pregnant - dentist recommend that you avoid all these teeth whitening methods here because the whitening bleach could be harmful to your unborn baby or…
- If you have Gum Disease, Cavities, or Worn Tooth Enamel because you didn't follow these steps to keep your teeth white then these teeth whitening methods here or even Trying to get white teeth at home may not work for you or…
- If you have Composite Fillings, Crowns, and Veneers - Teeth whitening will not work for you or it will not make them any whiter or…
- If you have Dark gray dental stains or Congenital... discoloration (from birth) - Teeth whitening will not work for you.
Don't believe the teeth whitening myths…Don't use lemons, strawberries, orange peels, wood ash in hope of brighter teeth because…Here's 8 reasons why you may not be able to get white teeth…
- 4. Use tooth whitening pens
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