السبت، 4 يناير 2014


We constantly apply new skin care treatments and remedies on our faces to fight off acne, but we don’t realize that our problems can be solved internally by consuming some of the foods that will clear your skin naturally. The only way to avoid harmful chemicals and antibiotics in this range of skin care products is to solve our skin condition naturally, with food. So here are 7 foods that will clear your skin and give you an amazing glow!


One of the foods that will clear your skin and improve your health is artichoke. Due to its high antioxidant content, it’s often used in creams and cosmetics as an herbal remedy. But regular consumption of this tasty vegetable can not only have health benefits, but also improve your skin and add on to your luminosity!


One food that should be added to your menu as one of the the first steps to clearer skin is tofu. Tofu is a killer combination of all the substances that can improve your skin. It’s a good source of protein, calcium, unsaturated fats, antioxidants, and minerals. What are you waiting for? Rush to your local supermarket! Not only will it make your tummy happy, but it will put a smile on your pretty face.


Since steady blood sugar levels and skin health are linked, it only makes sense to switch out the processed white carbohydrates for wholegrain brown rice. Brown rice not only provides Vitamin B, minerals and antioxidants but also regulates sugar levels. If you are healthy on the inside, the healthy state of your body will be displaced on the outside!


Even though water is a drink, not a food, it plays a crucial role in achieving and maintaining a healthy, glowing skin! There is an unlimited amount of health benefits from staying hydrated. It flushes out toxins, keeps the brain functional, and replenishes water cells. If plain water is a little boring for your taste, you can always drop a piece of lemon in there to make it more interesting.


Nuts are a good solution to your acne problem if the causes of your skin condition are deficiencies in minerals, such as zinc and selenium. They help increase the amount of white blood cells in the body and strengthen their fighting power. And Vitamin E and other minerals are all essential for healthy skin. Nuts are great for skin and they are a yummy snack, too!


Although the smell doesn't give it away, raw garlic is a boost for your skin and your body! It reacts with blood to kill off many harmful bacteria and viruses that cause skin infections. To get the most out of garlic, it’s best to eat it raw. Chop it in a salad or meal and you are guaranteed to see improvements from your healthy diet!


Even though most of us would probably choose a regular potato over a sweet potato, we should all do just the opposite. Sweet potatoes are a lot more beneficial for your overall health and skin. They can improve the circulation to your skin, regulate blood sugar levels and as a result lift your mood! So if you want to see a change in your skin, switch out the regular potatoes for sweet potatoes!


Peppermint is something that can really help in the digestion area, but did you know that it can relieve stress too? Stress that could cause any acne that you are experiencing? Give it a try in the form of a tea and see what happens!


While you might be thinking that using the beet is important in your recipes but have you ever tried the beet root? This root is packed with vitamins and a lot of essential healthy properties and it is a natural body cleanser that your skin will feel!


When you are really looking to clear up your skin and to really detoxify your body, beans, peas and even lentils are what you need! These little beans will help aid you in the battle for clear skin and will leave your body feeling amazing!


Fennel is a root veggie that most people never, ever use, but it is so, so important. Not only does it help reduce any swelling you have in your body, but it flushes out any toxins you might have. That means, it'll leave your skin looking so clear!


This is one leafy green that most people never think about using in their recipes, but it will absolutely help you in the battle for clear skin. It will flush out excess fluids, keep your body completely cleansed and leave your skin so clear.


Red grapes are something that have been known to treat inflamed skin, something that will reduce any redness you have in your skin and they can actually help with any allergic reactions you have! That's a powerful little fruit right? If you want clear skin, pop a few red grapes in your next salad!

As clichéd as it sounds, you are what you eat. Your diet reflects in your appearance, so it only makes sense to consume foods that are good for your health and skin. What is the best way that you fight off your acne and spots? Share with me in the comments!

seven Fabulous Tips on How to Be Your Own Dermatologist .

Have you ever wanted to learn how to be your own dermatologist? No worries! I’ve got the answer for you. Though chronic acne affects a large amount of people every year, I promise you that you don’t have to sacrifice your entire paycheck to see a dermatologist. I had chronic acne as a teen in high school and bought every cream you could imagine. What I learned was I wasn’t only wasting my money, but I was simply unaware of the real answers at hand for what worked and what didn’t. So, I’m sharing my best tips with you, and showing you how easy it really is to learn how to be your own dermatologist. Not all of these steps are the easiest thing to do, but once you learn how to manage your skin the simple way, you’ll never go back to creams, doctors and covering up the real issue at hand. Acne is more than about the surface of your skin, but more importantly, what’s going on underneath your skin. Find out what you need to know, and how to be your own dermatologist, starting today.


Let’s get something straight if you want to learn how to be your own dermatologist. First off, ditch all those anti-acne cleanser, gels, and other products you’re using. Yes, even those 3 step systems that promise to work, and might for a short time, but trust me, in due time, you’ll see they really don’t. Instead, pick up an all-natural sea salt bar at your local superstore or supermarket. There are many brands, and the more natural the product, the better. These are found with the bath products, not the acne products. Wash your face only in this. Sea salt cleanses the skin on a whole new level, without irritating it. Most of these soaps also have added shea butter or jojoba oil so they won’t dry your skin out, and instead will clear your skin up. When it comes to removing your makeup, use only coconut oil and coconut oil only, I repeat. It fights acne and resists breakouts before they start. It also keeps your skin from drying out, which in turn, creates more acne. Also, when choosing a moisturizer, I advise picking up Neutrogena’s Helioplex UltraSheer SPF Sunblock. It has two special ingredients, one of which fights acne, and the other fights wrinkles. It isn’t advertised as this, but is to date the only product that won’t break my face out. It also moisturizes your skin just enough so it won’t dry out, but also won’t be greasy. It also smells great and is well absorbed by your skin. It might not be 100% natural, but is much better than those harsh acne moisturizers or gels on the market, and it’s cheap!


Next and most importantly, don’t pick at your face! Any dermatologist will tell you this, but I’m going to tell you too. Picking at your face causes more harm than good, and can lead to scarring. Just don’t do it! Instead, soak a hot rag in boiling water and apply it to your skin to bring the breakout to the surface. Keep doing this a couple times a day and leave it alone. Cover with concealer and use the products recommended above in your skin care routine. The pimple should come to a head by itself and eventually dissipate. If it won’t burst on its own, then apply a little pressure with the warm rag to see if it will. If not, leave it alone until it will. Don’t pick with your fingernails though, so you can avoid exposing it to more bacteria and creating a new infection on top of the old one.


This is the most important of all tips I can give you. You’ve got to be food smart! If you’re eating sugar, refined foods, trans fat foods, and any foods that raise your glycemic index, trust me, your acne will not go away. Cutting sugar, refined foods, all flour and high glycemic carbs out of my diet, along with trans fats was the number one thing that gave me clear skin. It isn’t easy at first, but not only will you get glowing skin, but you’ll also feel better! Your dermatologist would tell you the same!


While we’re on the topic of food, be sure whatever you do that you choose good skin foods. What are these? Anything rich in Vitamin A, which is nature’s best anti-acne vitamin and anti-wrinkle vitamin. This includes all orange produce like carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, winter squash and cantaloupe( not too much fruit for sugar content though), and also leafy greens like kale, spinach, collards and lettuce. These are all great for your skin and will fight acne the natural way. Also, be sure you’re eating plain, unsweetened yogurt like plain Greek. Though dairy typically bothers skin for people with acne, yogurt has the opposite affect. It contains living enzymes that fight bacteria, along with protein that helps repair damage to collagen in the skin. The probiotics also help fight off bacteria from within, along with fighting the effects of a previous diet full of unhealthy sugars that cause yeast build up. Anytime you consume too much sugar, it will show up on your skin. Probiotics, especially those in yogurt, help clear this issue right up! Also be sure to eat fish, and other omega 3 foods like organic eggs. Fish and eggs are great for fighting acne and help ward off wrinkles.


Whatever you do, wash your face before bed, using coconut oil to remove makeup, your sea salt bar to cleanse your skin, and then apply the recommended moisturizer above. Do this each night and you’ll wake up to clearer skin in just two weeks. Never ever go to bed with makeup on. You’re just asking to develop acne as the bacteria develops in your skin overnight from makeup.


Also, try drinking a delicious herbal tea known as red tea, or Rooibos tea. It’s made from a sweet bush in Africa and tastes like a dream! It also clears the skin very fast and tastes great hot or iced with stevia and lemon added in. As a bonus, it fights your sweet tooth and helps you rest.


Lastly, be sure to drink plenty of water and stop drinking soda, artificial sweeteners and too much caffeine. All of these wreck your skin. Also be sure to switch from dairy milk to unsweetened almond milk as a more skin-friendly, and weight-friendly option. Be sure to drink at least 6 glasses of water a day, and add a slice of lemon for an extra skin detoxing effect.
I think it would be neat to visit a dermatologist one day, but my budget just doesn’t have room for the luxury. Luckily, with these tips, I don’t need to! I hope you’ll try these and see if they work for you too. If you suffer from acne, or have in the past, what’s the best skin tip you’ve got for me?

nine Skincare Tips for Women in Their 20s

Skincare tips for women in their 20s differ much from women in their 30s, 40s, and even teens. Regardless that women in their 20s aren’t that far out of their teenage years, or that far away from nearing their 30s, there are still specific skincare tips for women in their 20s that most of us don’t give enough thought to. Taking on new careers, graduating college, overcoming self identity issues (which we all know we have), and learning to live on our own with tight budgets creates a lot of stress for women during their 20s. Aside from the point we’re young and don’t worry about wrinkles yet, stress, hormonal changes, and changes in our diets can all lead to bad skin, unless we take precautions. That being said, for all you women in your 20s, or even those of you in your late teens, be sure you follow these tips below. They’ll give you radiant skin, and I can testify to each of these tips, as they’ve worked miracles for my skin, which used to be full of acne and sun damage.


Exercise might not be one of the usual skincare tips for women in their 20s we often hear about, but it is an important one! Exercise helps control stress levels in the body, and it also helps with hormone regulation. When your hormones, primarily cortisol, the stress hormone, are out of control in unhealthy levels, havoc occurs on your skin. Then, take into account that being overweight from not exercising can also lead to hormonal issues such as PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), or to problems with your metabolism, and you’ve got a whole other issue on your plate probably causing you stress. Exercise also improves blood flow and moves lymph flow through the body. Lymph removes toxins from the body, including those that lead to acne. Be sure when you exercise, you do it without makeup so you avoid unnecessary breakouts. What’s more important to you? Option A, good skin or option B, impressing the people exercising with you with a full face of makeup on? I choose option A anytime!


I know, you’re tired of hearing this. We all are, but it really is true! A clean diet does more than give you a great body, hun! It also improves your skin like you wouldn’t believe. Avoid too much salt, highly processed foods, sugar (even natural sources), and avoid problematic foods that might cause issues like gluten for some, dairy for others, and for those of us without intolerances to either of those, just eat clean in general. Don’t eat refined foods or processed diet foods. Foods with an ingredient label should be only from whole food sources, not tons of names you don’t understand. Just remember, drink your water, avoid sugar, and eat lots of greens and fish. Those 4 things will do more for your skin than anything else because each one of those fight inflammation that leads to acne and aid in clearing the skin. For women in their 20s, this is a critical time to eat healthy, especially coming out of the teenage years where junk prevailed most likely, and before you get older where you just stop caring.


Along with exercise, there are other things you need to do to take care of your hormone health at this time. The 20s are very, very stressful, and doing whatever you can to start helping your hormones and not hurting them will only help your skin, your heart, and your sanity! I control my stress through journaling, meditation (not too serious, just deep breathing), yoga, and daily walks. I also like to spend alone time during the day when I can, even if it’s just during my coffee in the morning, or eating lunch outside in nature. Do what you can and your stress levels will drop, which contributes to helping your skin.


I’m sure in your teens you probably heard fats would make you fat, but by your 20s, I hope you’ve stopped believing this myth. In fact, when I started eating healthy fats, my skin turned around for the better. Healthy fats do two things for your skin. First, they fight inflammation that leads to acne, and secondly, they ward off wrinkles. I don’t know about you, but I’m eating my healthy fats, what about you? I choose raw coconut, fish, almonds, walnuts, hemp, chia, flax, and dark chocolate. Other sources include avocados, olive oil, and coconut oil. Generally, avoiding animal saturated fats is best overall, but don’t avoid plant fats. You’re literally feeding your face when you eat them! Your 20s are the best time to start eating healthy fats so you don’t lose essential collagen in the skin, which is made of protein and fat. Without it, sagging and wrinkles occur much faster and are much harder to reverse. I eat a good bit of fat and look younger now than I did at 16, and in fact, most people don’t believe me when I tell them I’m out of high school and nearing 30.


I know a lot of you aren’t going to like this, but please stop caring about looking like a golden goddess by tanning in the sun and tanning bed. This comes from someone who spent 8 years doing so, and couldn’t get rid of my skin issues no matter what I tried. Trust me, tanning ages you faster than anything else. I had sun damage, wrinkles, and acne, and thought I was doing myself a favor by tanning. Now, I never lie out in the sun, and have accepted this might mean I’m a little paler than I wish. So, I use toxic free tanning lotion during the summer, and during the winter, I just don’t worry about it. Your 20s are a critical time to take care of your skin and stop aging it faster than necessary.


If you’re on birth control, you should know you have options. Not all forms of birth control help control acne, and some can even lead to weight gain that causes acne. There are many forms of birth control available, and whatever you choose to do is your decision, but be sure you discuss all forms, including more natural ones that might not affect you the same way the pill typically does.


Another tip you should consider in your 20s is being supplement savvy. What does this mean? It means choosing smart supplements that aren’t diet pills like you’ve heard so much about, but instead, help with your anxiety, hormones, and your skin. I choose to take magnesium daily for controlling anxiety and nervousness, along with helping recover from exercise. Magnesium also helps with staying regular, which is important for clear skin, believe it or not. Other supplements for your skin include fish oil, chlorophyll tablets, and also a good multivitamin with 100% of your daily selenium needs. Selenium wards off wrinkles and also helps your hormone health as a bonus.


Lean protein is something you hear a lot about, and it’s good for many different things, including your skin. As I mentioned earlier, your 20s are an important time to keep your collagen supply healthy in your skin. Collagen is made of proteins, and by eating lean protein, you’re feeding your muscles and your skin. Lean protein from fish, white poultry (organic preferably), egg whites, and pastured eggs, along with nonfat sources of organic dairy are wonderful for your skin, so long as you tolerate dairy okay. I also recommend using hemp protein powder. Hemp protein is a whole food, and it’s rich in chlorophyll from plants, which helps to cleanse the body, along with nourish the skin. Hemp is the only plant protein to contain all essential amino acids, outside of spirulina, another great source of plant protein that is wonderful for your skin.


Lastly, let’s talk about Vitamin A. Vitamin A is your skin’s best friend, and in your 20s, you should be eating as much as you can get. It’s much better to get plant sources of Vitamin A than from taking a supplement, which you can actually get too much of. However, the plant form of Vitamin A, known as beta-carotene, can’t be used too much. You might get a little glow to you, but that’s just due to the extra beta-carotene, not because you’re suffering toxicity! Vitamin A wards off and actually reverses wrinkles, and it also prevents and treats acne. The chemical acne treatment Accutane is actually made from chemically derived Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene. I prefer just to eat my way to pretty skin, what about you? Get your beta-carotene through sweet potatoes, leafy greens, carrots, winter squash, pumpkin, and spirulina. These are your top sources and trust me, you’ll never believe how much they’ll do for your skin!
If you’re in your 20s, now’s the time to start paying attention to your face. You’ll enter your 30s with glowing skin, and it’s never too late to start taking care of your skin, even if you are already over 30. I reversed my skin almost to the point of not recognizing it each day now, and thankfully, the damage I put it through is now a thing of the past. Try my tips for skincare in your 20s, and hopefully they’ll help you too! What’s your best skin tip?

9 Simple Things That Cause Skin Aging ...

Did you know that there are several simple, everyday things that cause skin aging? Aging skin isn’t just caused by not wearing sunscreen, although that is one of the major culprits. There are actually a handful of things that we come in contact with or do on a regular basis that can contribute to aging skin that we’re not aware of. Increase your awareness and check 
out these 9 simple things that cause skin aging.


I was so sad to learn that one of the things that cause skin aging is sugar. I knew eating a lot of sugar was bad news for my waistline, but I never thought it would affect my skin! When our blood sugar is high, it causes a process called glycation which harms elastin and collagen in our skin which can lead to wrinkles. Enjoy sugar in moderation to keep your skin youthful and fresh!


Although exercise is one of the healthiest things we can do for ourselves, engaging in too much can case aging skin. If you’re a runner, I’m sure you’ve heard of “runner’s face” which is described as sagging skin which can result from excessive running. Excessive running has been known to cause a breakdown of collagen thus experts suggest keeping runs short and sweet so you’re able to obtain the health benefits minus “runner’s face.”


Changing your pillowcase regularly and using a silk or satin pillowcase should be a part of our skin care routine. You’re probably aware that your cotton pillowcase can harbor dirt, oil as well as skin and hair care products that can clog pores. Cotton pillowcases also suck up moisture from your skin and if you always sleep on the same side of your cotton pillowcase, it can cause lines and creases which can eventually lead to wrinkles.


Makeup should be used to enhance our features, not age us! While makeup won’t actually age your skin, it can cause us to look older. If you use the wrong formulas or even shades, it can accentuate existing fine lines, wrinkles or other imperfections that can cause us to look older than we are. If you’re unsure of what shades match you best, ask a beauty consultant at a makeup counter for help.


It’s perfectly fine to indulge in happy hour with your girlfriends or treat yourself to a nightcap, but it can do a number on your skin if you do so excessively. Alcohol is a diuretic which promotes the production of urine and cause the body’s level of water and salt to go down. The more alcohol you drink, the more dehydrated you get. Also, according to Shape Magazine, alcohol can trigger rosacea outbreaks, acne and even wrinkles! Keep your alcohol intake at a moderate level to avoid prematurely aging skin.


A certain amount of stress can be considered healthy since it can push you to a certain level of alertness and performance. But, when stress gets out of hand, it can negatively influence us in so many ways. Stress can increase the risk of chronic diseases, cause depression or anxiety, shrink grey matter in the brain and even prematurely age kids! The stress hormone cortisol degrades collagen which is a big part of the makeup of young skin, so taking steps to keep stress under control is well worth it. Don’t let stress control you; take time out to relax, breathe and clear your head. Your physical and mental health depend on it.


If your sleep schedule is as erratic as the weather, you could be facing aging skin in the future. Not getting enough sleep or having an irregular sleep schedule can cause sallow skin and dark circles. Dr. Elma Baron of the Ohio Skin Study Center at University Hospitals Case Medical Center conducted a study and found that ‘Sleep-deprived women show signs of premature skin ageing and a decrease in their skin’s ability to recover after sun exposure.’ Life doesn’t always allow us to get a full night’s sleep, but try your best to get your rest!


Gone are the days where we try to eliminate all sources of fat from our diets. These days, we know that there are healthy fats that can help keep us looking and feeling great. Getting rid of saturated and trans fats are always a good idea, but polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats have numerous health benefits. They can help reduce inflammation in rosacea and eczema and even reduce the risk of acne and other skin problems.


The winter is prime time for cold, windy and dry air and all of the skin problems that comes with it. According to Total Beauty, the wind can sap the moisture out of your skin making it prone to fine lines and wrinkles. In addition, holiday stress and drinks can add to the damaging effects of the winter climate adding conditions like acne and dryness to the mix. Fight back by using a humidifier and applying moisturizer as soon as you get out of the shower to add moisture and seal it in.
Did you know that these simple things can cause skin aging? It might seem like an uphill battle to having beautiful, healthy skin, but it doesn’t have to be. Practicing moderation and being consistent with your skin care routine will have you glowing in no time!

More than a pretty face: how make-up can make us more trustworthy

They might have been a bit of a rough looking bunch, but Neanderthals were smarter than they seemed.
There is evidence that, In an effort to pretty themselves up, they wore cosmetics. That was 50,000 years ago and we're still on the beauty bandwagon. In fact, in the past year in Australia, we spent $8 billion on beauty.
But, there's more to make-up than meets the embellished eye.
Arnaud Aubert, an experimental psychologist and associate professor in the department of neurosciences at the Université François-Rabelais in France, spoke to The Sunday Times about how cosmetics can change our perception of a person.
Cosmetics can make us more likeable, help us fall in love and even seem more or less trustworthy, he said.
"As we have evolved, the brain has become capable of making complex social judgments on some very basic visual cues," Dr Aubert said.
“First you see the face, and then, after a quick visual decoding, a signal is relayed to the limbic area of the brain where an emotional level is assigned to what you have seen, either 'pleasant' or 'not pleasant'. This is then translated to the forebrain where it's decided whether the face is trustworthy or untrustworthy. This is carried out almost instantly.”
By smoothing out blemishes and creating a defined sense of symmetry, cosmetics (at their best) make for a more "pleasant" translation process.
For instance, a little blush on the forehead and chin can shorten a disproportionately long, thin face. Eye shadow can balance eyes that are too far apart or close together while the right tone of foundation can create a flawless finish.
"All the social information is in the centre of the face," Dr Aubert told the Times. "If the brain is distracted by imperfections, it processes less and so has a weaker social assessment of the person it is looking at."
Several studies support Dr Aubert's assertions.
One study, by Buckinghamshire New University, found that people who wore make-up were perceived as healthier and more confident.
Participants also awarded women wearing make-up with a greater earning potential and with more prestigious jobs than the same women viewed without cosmetics.
But more is not more, it seems. The more "glamorous" the make-up, the less trustworthy the women were deemed, even though their attractiveness ratings increased.
Another study, by Harvard University, in conjunction with Proctor and Gamble, came to a similar conclusion.
"We found that cosmetics have a significant impact on how attractive a face appears, but also on how likeable, trustworthy and competent they appear," said the study's lead author, Nancy Etcoff, an assistant clinical professor of psychology at Harvard University.
Participants were asked to rate these qualities based on images of women made up in three ways, "natural, professional and glamorous".
The participants viewing the images were divided into two groups. The first was shown the images only for milliseconds, the second could look at the images for as long as they liked.
"When flashed quickly, every cosmetic look significantly increased how attractive, competent, likeable and trustworthy the faces appeared to the same faces without make-up," Professor Etcoff said.
"When people could look at the faces for as long as they wanted to, all make-up looks increased competence and attractiveness once again."
But, this time, when they appeared with the "glamour" make-up, the same women were seen as less trustworthy.
Using make-up to disguise as opposed to enhance may be a personal preference for some, but in terms of its effect on others, it seems it is unnecessary on many levels.
"Wrinkles around the eyes are not such a big deal. A lot of men in particular consider this type of wrinkle cute," Dr Aubert said of how they influence impressions.
Lines around the eyes, for instance, can indicate a lot of laughter in that person's life.
"Frown lines can be unattractive for the brain because they mimic a negative emotion."
While cosmetics can clearly affect perception and can enhance our features, they are, thankfully, not the only standard - particularly given it is a standard applied to women alone.
Those who don't like make-up will be pleased to know that self-care and a positive personality are more important factors when it comes to perception and attractiveness.
So while make-up might be a part of that "beauty" triangle, it certainly isn't the pinnacle.

Top tips for hair removal

It's up there on the list with pulling teeth and listening to Celine Dion on repeat. But while hair removal may be tiresome, it has its rewards.

Think smooth, glistening pins to rival Cameron Diaz rather than Julia Roberts's infamous hairy armpits. The not-so-Pretty Woman's action of sporting furry underarms topped a recent British poll of summer eyesores, closely followed by unkempt bikini lines, in a survey by foot-care brand Scholl.
And Aussie women admit that having a permanent Brazilian makes them feel sexier and it gives them enhanced sexual pleasure, according to a recent survey by the Cosmetic Physicians Society of Australasia (CPSA).
The average woman in the UK spends a whopping £3618 ($5605) on removing hair over her lifetime, according to British pharmacy Boots' research, and the importance of this thankless task has heightened now that summer has arrived.
Bare your skin with pride and be fuzz-free and sexy this summer.
Hair-free heaven may only last a couple of days but the razor is still king of hair removal. It's a painless and super-speedy way to achieve instant smoothness.
Opt for a razor with five blades for the closest shave possible, and moisturising bars to smooth as you glide.
Beauty therapist and hair removal expert Arezoo Kaviani says: "Change your razor regularly as a blunt blade will aggravate the skin, and don't shave legs in a very hot bath or shower as this can cause irritation."
Prone to ingrown hairs? Exfoliate for the next few days after shaving and try a soothing solution that aids in rebuilding bump-free skin without any unsightly redness.
If your shaving technique resembles Edward Scissorhands, halt the razor cuts and reach for a hair removal cream. The results last as long as shaving, it's pain-free and many of the creams are formulated to simultaneously hydrate your skin.
Make no bones about it, waxing stings but you can enjoy a hairless body for a beach-friendly three to five weeks afterwards.
You'll also find hair grows back finer and more sparse with each wax.
"For best results, rub an ice cube over the area you plan to wax, dry your skin thoroughly and then begin waxing," Kaviani recommends. "This will quickly cool your skin making the hair easier to remove in one go. It's also a good idea to use an ice cube afterwards, to help soothe any irritation and stop red bumps from developing."
To prolong that just-shaved feeling after any removal technique, hair-minimising creams are currently booming on the beauty shelves.
Available as a cream or spray, hair inhibitors are formulated with active ingredients to help slow down hair regrowth and, with regular use (two to four times a week), stubble reappearance should feel softer and finer.
If you despise the in-between stage with waxing but can't stand the quick hair return of shaving, epilation might be for you. The latest gadgets boast thousands of plucks-per-minute to minimise the 'ouch' factor and can grab hold of hair as small as a grain of sand.
If your seasonal wardrobe incorporates an endless supply of skirts, shorts and swimsuits, the enduring battle with hair removal is no summer holiday.
"Being hair-free no longer appears to be a trend but the norm," says Dr Susan Austin from the CPSA.
"Our doctors have seen a steady increase in the number of patients requesting permanent hair reduction, with the Brazilian still amongst the most popular treatments for female patients," she says.
But Dr Austin also highlights that it's not just women to are heading to the clinics for permanent hair removal.
"For men the most popular areas for laser and IPL hair removal are the back, the chest and interestingly, the beard around the neck and cheeks," says Dr Austin.
But she warns that consumers should be aware that lasers and IPL machines are medical equipment.
"Patients considering permanent hair removal should visit a qualified and skilled operator who knows what they are doing," she says.
"Many patients would be surprised to learn that in most states, anyone can purchase a medical grade laser and set up shop without training or professional medical insurance. This means that there would be very little protection for patients in the event of an adverse outcome."
Dr Austin offers the following advice to patients considering laser or IPL:
1. Avoid tanning before and after treatment - you cannot have a laser or IPL hair reduction treatment if you have a tan (fake or from sun-exposure or the solarium) because it can interfere with the absorption of laser light and may result in pigment changes in the skin.
Patients should also avoid sun-exposure after a treatment as their skin will be sensitive and may burn more easily, which may also result in pigmentation changes. In fact patients should forget about IPL treatment for this summer and wait until the cooler months.
2. Laser and IPL work best on patients with dark hair and fair skin - laser and IPL machines work by using a light that penetrates the skin and is absorbed by the melanin (the dark colour) in the hair shaft, which then causes heat to transmit to the nearby germinal cells thereby destroying the hair follicle.
3. Check the credentials of the operator - it is important that patients receive a treatment from an operator that has been appropriately trained. During the process, the practitioner should also ask for a medical history (including any allergies or medications you are taking), cosmetic routine and potential sun-exposure.