It's up there on the list with pulling teeth and listening to Celine Dion on repeat. But while hair removal may be tiresome, it has its rewards.
Think smooth, glistening pins to rival Cameron Diaz rather than Julia Roberts's infamous hairy armpits. The not-so-Pretty Woman's action of sporting furry underarms topped a recent British poll of summer eyesores, closely followed by unkempt bikini lines, in a survey by foot-care brand Scholl.
And Aussie women admit that having a permanent Brazilian makes them feel sexier and it gives them enhanced sexual pleasure, according to a recent survey by the Cosmetic Physicians Society of Australasia (CPSA).
The average woman in the UK spends a whopping £3618 ($5605) on removing hair over her lifetime, according to British pharmacy Boots' research, and the importance of this thankless task has heightened now that summer has arrived.
Bare your skin with pride and be fuzz-free and sexy this summer.
Hair-free heaven may only last a couple of days but the razor is still king of hair removal. It's a painless and super-speedy way to achieve instant smoothness.
Opt for a razor with five blades for the closest shave possible, and moisturising bars to smooth as you glide.
Beauty therapist and hair removal expert Arezoo Kaviani says: "Change your razor regularly as a blunt blade will aggravate the skin, and don't shave legs in a very hot bath or shower as this can cause irritation."
Prone to ingrown hairs? Exfoliate for the next few days after shaving and try a soothing solution that aids in rebuilding bump-free skin without any unsightly redness.
If your shaving technique resembles Edward Scissorhands, halt the razor cuts and reach for a hair removal cream. The results last as long as shaving, it's pain-free and many of the creams are formulated to simultaneously hydrate your skin.
Make no bones about it, waxing stings but you can enjoy a hairless body for a beach-friendly three to five weeks afterwards.
You'll also find hair grows back finer and more sparse with each wax.
"For best results, rub an ice cube over the area you plan to wax, dry your skin thoroughly and then begin waxing," Kaviani recommends. "This will quickly cool your skin making the hair easier to remove in one go. It's also a good idea to use an ice cube afterwards, to help soothe any irritation and stop red bumps from developing."
To prolong that just-shaved feeling after any removal technique, hair-minimising creams are currently booming on the beauty shelves.
Available as a cream or spray, hair inhibitors are formulated with active ingredients to help slow down hair regrowth and, with regular use (two to four times a week), stubble reappearance should feel softer and finer.
If you despise the in-between stage with waxing but can't stand the quick hair return of shaving, epilation might be for you. The latest gadgets boast thousands of plucks-per-minute to minimise the 'ouch' factor and can grab hold of hair as small as a grain of sand.
If your seasonal wardrobe incorporates an endless supply of skirts, shorts and swimsuits, the enduring battle with hair removal is no summer holiday.
"Being hair-free no longer appears to be a trend but the norm," says Dr Susan Austin from the CPSA.
"Our doctors have seen a steady increase in the number of patients requesting permanent hair reduction, with the Brazilian still amongst the most popular treatments for female patients," she says.
But Dr Austin also highlights that it's not just women to are heading to the clinics for permanent hair removal.
"For men the most popular areas for laser and IPL hair removal are the back, the chest and interestingly, the beard around the neck and cheeks," says Dr Austin.
But she warns that consumers should be aware that lasers and IPL machines are medical equipment.
"Patients considering permanent hair removal should visit a qualified and skilled operator who knows what they are doing," she says.
"Many patients would be surprised to learn that in most states, anyone can purchase a medical grade laser and set up shop without training or professional medical insurance. This means that there would be very little protection for patients in the event of an adverse outcome."
Dr Austin offers the following advice to patients considering laser or IPL:
1. Avoid tanning before and after treatment - you cannot have a laser or IPL hair reduction treatment if you have a tan (fake or from sun-exposure or the solarium) because it can interfere with the absorption of laser light and may result in pigment changes in the skin.
Patients should also avoid sun-exposure after a treatment as their skin will be sensitive and may burn more easily, which may also result in pigmentation changes. In fact patients should forget about IPL treatment for this summer and wait until the cooler months.
2. Laser and IPL work best on patients with dark hair and fair skin - laser and IPL machines work by using a light that penetrates the skin and is absorbed by the melanin (the dark colour) in the hair shaft, which then causes heat to transmit to the nearby germinal cells thereby destroying the hair follicle.
3. Check the credentials of the operator - it is important that patients receive a treatment from an operator that has been appropriately trained. During the process, the practitioner should also ask for a medical history (including any allergies or medications you are taking), cosmetic routine and potential sun-exposure.
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